What is "Virtual Diet" !?
"I would be more cuter, if I could lose 5kg ! "
" My boyfriend might be so handsome, if he could lose 8kg ! "
"I gave up my Diet, but I only wish to look slimmer.”
And so on...you can use this application to see how you look after losing some weight.
Enter height and weight. Then, select the picture in your smart phone,
You can see the slimmed image after indicating the desired weight loss.
*** Main Feature ***
1. You can see how you will look like by using the picture on your smartphone and entering your desired weight loss.
2.This application can detect maximum of 5 faces. Only one face can be selected and adjusted to your desired image.
3.You can check your current BMI (Body Mass Index) and after losing some weight.
4.You can play with your friends by hiding Height, Weight and BMI by clicking the privacy button!
5.This application changes the language automatically (English or Japanese)!
*** Limitation ***
0.This Applixaion works on only Android Version 2.x
1.The picture resolution must be SVGA(800*600) or less.
2.This application mainly effects close-up pictures better than whole body.
3.In some instances, faces can’t be detected.
4.Changes around selected face may occur.
5.Unselected images will be reduced but not in facial area.
6. Desired weight loss has a limited value to maintain the natural effects of the image.
7.Sample images have been tested and effects varies from person to person.</div> <div class="show-more-end">